Solomon islanders practicing curse to kill the tree.🌴

The Power of Words: A Lesson from the Solomon Islands

Captain Axom
2 min readJan 1, 2024


Words are powerful tools that can create or destroy, heal or harm, inspire or discourage. They can affect not only our emotions, but also our physical and mental well-being. Words can also influence the world around us, as some people believe they can do with trees.

According to a popular legend, in the Solomon Islands of the Pacific, the islanders practice a special form of curse magic. If they need to cut down a tree that is too big or too hard to chop down, they do not use axes or saws. Instead, they gather around the tree and curse it with negative and hateful words. They yell at the tree, insult it, and wish it to die. They do this for thirty days, and then the tree withers and falls to the ground by itself.

This story may sound unbelievable, but it illustrates a profound truth:

words have the power to affect the life force of living things. Scientists have shown that plants can respond to sound, vibration, and human intention. Some studies have found that plants grow better when they are exposed to positive words, music, or prayers, and worse when they are exposed to negative words, noise, or threats.

If words can have such an impact on plants, imagine what they can do to humans. We are also living beings with a mind, a heart, and a soul. We are sensitive to the words we hear and the words we say. Words can shape our self-image, our mood, our attitude, our behavior, and our destiny. Words can also affect our health, as research has shown that positive words can boost our immune system, lower our stress, and increase our happiness, while negative words can do the opposite.

Therefore, we should be careful of the words we use, both to ourselves and to others.

We should avoid cursing, lying, gossiping, complaining, or criticizing. These words can harm us and others, and create a negative atmosphere. Instead, we should use words that are true, kind, helpful, uplifting, and encouraging.

These words can heal us and others, and create a positive atmosphere.

The lesson from the Solomon Islands is that words are not just sounds or symbols. They are living energies that can affect the world. Let us use them wisely and well, and make them a source of blessing and not a curse. 🍃



Captain Axom

Amateur writer wishing for your prayers to grow and be one of the greatest writer🌻