“Kafka and doll”

Captain Axom
3 min readDec 15, 2023


"Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way."

Franz Kafka was walking in the park one day when he saw a little girl crying. He approached her and asked what was wrong. She told him that she had lost her favorite doll and could not find it anywhere. Kafka felt sorry for the girl and decided to help her. He told her that he knew where the doll was and that he would bring it back to her the next day. He also said that the doll had gone on a trip and had written a letter to the girl. He asked her to meet him at the same spot the next day and he would give her the letter.

The girl was curious and agreed to meet him. The next day, Kafka came back with a letter in his hand. He read it to the girl. It said:

"Dear friend,

I am sorry I left you so suddenly, but I had to see the world. I have been to many places and met many people. I have learned a lot and had a lot of fun. I hope you are not too sad without me. I miss you very much and I think of you every day. I will write to you again soon.

Your doll"

The girl was amazed and asked Kafka how he knew the doll. He said that he was a friend of the doll and that he had helped her pack her suitcase. He also said that the doll had promised to send him more letters and that he would share them with the girl. The girl was happy and thanked him. She asked him to come back the next day.

Kafka agreed and left. He went to a toy store and bought a new doll. He wrote another letter from the doll's perspective and brought it to the girl the next day. He repeated this for several days, each time bringing a new doll and a new letter. The letters described the doll's adventures in different countries and cultures. They were full of details and imagination. The girl was delighted and looked forward to each meeting. She started to forget about her old doll and became attached to the new ones.

One day, Kafka told the girl that he had a surprise for her. He said that the doll had decided to come back and that he had brought her with him. He handed her a beautiful doll dressed in a white gown and a veil. He said that the doll had met a prince on her travels and had fallen in love. They had gotten married and were very happy. The doll wanted to see the girl one last time and say goodbye. She also wanted to give her a gift: the new doll.

The girl was speechless. She hugged the doll and thanked her for everything. She also thanked Kafka for being so kind and generous. She asked him if he would come back again. He said that he would, but he never did. He died a few weeks later from tuberculosis. The girl never knew his name or who he was. She only knew that he was a friend of the doll and a friend of hers. She kept the dolls and the letters as a precious memory of him and the doll.

She grew up to be a writer and wrote stories inspired by the letters. She always wondered what Kafka would think of them.



Captain Axom

Amateur writer wishing for your prayers to grow and be one of the greatest writer🌻