Work is a subset of life, not superset.

How to Achieve Work-Life Balance in 2024

Captain Axom
3 min readDec 31, 2023


Work-life balance is a term that describes how well you manage your time and energy between your professional and personal activities. It is not about having equal hours for work and life, but rather finding a harmony that suits your needs and goals.

Why is work-life balance important?

Work-life balance is important for many reasons. Some of the benefits of having a good work-life balance are:

- You can reduce stress and improve your mental and physical health.
- You can increase your productivity and performance at work.
- You can enjoy more quality time with your family and friends.
- You can pursue your hobbies and passions.
- You can feel more satisfied and fulfilled with your life.

How to achieve work-life balance in 2024?

Achieving work-life balance is not easy, especially in the fast-paced and competitive world of 2024. However, it is not impossible either. Here are some tips to help you achieve work-life balance in 2024:

  • Set clear and realistic goals for yourself :

Know what you want to achieve in your work and life, and prioritize them accordingly. Don’t try to do everything at once, but focus on the most important and urgent tasks first.

  • Manage your time and energy wisely :

Use a calendar, planner, or app to schedule your work and personal activities. Allocate enough time for each task, and avoid distractions and interruptions. Also, make sure to take breaks and recharge your energy throughout the day.

  • Learn to say no :

Sometimes, you may have to decline requests or opportunities that are not aligned with your goals or values. Saying no can help you avoid overcommitting and overwhelming yourself. It can also help you respect your own boundaries and needs.

  • Delegate or outsource tasks :

You don’t have to do everything by yourself. You can ask for help from your colleagues, family, or friends when you need it. You can also use online services or tools to automate or simplify some of your tasks. This can free up some of your time and energy for other things.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle :

Your health is your most valuable asset. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should eat well, exercise regularly, sleep enough, and avoid unhealthy habits. You should also take care of your mental and emotional health by practicing mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, or other positive habits.

  • Work is not everything :

You should also make time for fun and enjoyment in your life. You can do things that make you happy, such as spending time with your loved ones, traveling, reading, watching movies, playing games, or anything else that sparks your joy.

  • Work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all concept :

It may vary from person to person, depending on their preferences and circumstances. The key is to find what works best for you, and adjust it as you go along.

Remember, work is a subset of life, not superset. You deserve to have a balanced and happy life. 😊



Captain Axom

Amateur writer wishing for your prayers to grow and be one of the greatest writer🌻