Finding True Happiness: Faith, Morality, and Inner Peace.

Captain Axom
3 min readFeb 27, 2024

The pursuit of happiness is a universal human endeavor, and the Quran offers a unique and profound perspective on achieving this elusive feeling. While the Quran acknowledges the joys of life, it emphasizes that true and lasting happiness goes beyond fleeting pleasures and material possessions.

Focus on the Hereafter:

The Quran reminds us that this world is temporary, and true happiness lies in attaining paradise in the Hereafter.

Chapter 9, Verse 38:

"Are you content with the life of this world, rather than with the hereafter? Yet the enjoyment of the life of this world compared with the hereafter is but little."

This verse highlights the impermanence of worldly joys and encourages us to focus on acts and intentions that lead to eternal bliss.

Living a Moral Life:

The Quran emphasizes that happiness is closely linked to living a moral life and fulfilling our obligations to God and humanity.

Chapter 2, Verse 186:

"And worship your Lord until death comes to you."

Chapter 25, Verse 70:

"And do good to parents and kindred and orphans and the needy and the neighbor who is near and the neighbor who is far away and the companion at your side and the traveler and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and self-conceited."

These verses emphasize the importance of acts of worship, kindness, and compassion as essential for inner peace and fulfillment.

Gratitude and Patience:

The Quran highlights the importance of appreciating what we have and accepting challenges with resilience.

Chapter 14, Verse 7:

"And be grateful to Allah . If you are grateful, He will surely increase you [in favor]; and if you deny, indeed, Allah is Self-sufficient, Most Praised."

Chapter 2, Verse 153:

"And seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]."

Gratitude fosters a sense of contentment, while patience allows us to navigate life's difficulties with grace and maintain hope for a brighter future.

Finding Happiness Within:

Ultimately, the Quran emphasizes that true happiness comes from connecting with God and aligning our lives with His principles.

Chapter 26, Verse 227-228:

"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah - Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured."

By cultivating faith, good character, and a sense of purpose, we can find true and lasting happiness that transcends worldly limitations.

The Quran's message on happiness is not about denying oneself worldly pleasures, but rather about cultivating a deeper understanding of what truly brings lasting joy and fulfillment. By living a meaningful life in accordance with the Quran's guidance, we can navigate the challenges of this world while striving for the ultimate happiness that awaits in the Hereafter.



Captain Axom

Amateur writer wishing for your prayers to grow and be one of the greatest writer🌻